Top 8 Low Back Pain Treatment You Must Try


Back pain is a very common problem that many people experience. More than 80% of people suffer from some type of back pain at some point, with low back pain the most common.

Hence due to various causes such as strains, sciatica, Scoliosis, Disc injury and many more, back pain starts. It is not difficult to undergo low back pain treatment.

What Are The Symptoms Of Low Back Pain? 

Lower back pain symptoms are different for every person but generally include at least a few of the same issues.

A few back problems can create pain in other parts of the body, depending on the nerves affected.

The pain usually goes away without low back pain treatment, but if it happens with any of the following people should see their doctor:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Fever
  • Inflammation or swelling on the back
  • Pain down the legs
  • Pain that reaches below the knees
  • Weight loss
  • Numbness around the genitals
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Numbness around the anus
  • A new injury, blow or trauma to the spine

Try These Tips To Get Relief Back Pain Without Surgery

The low back treatment will concentrate on bringing down the pain. Your surgeon might recommend ways you can change your regular activities, and may also advise anti-inflammatories, electrotherapy, spinal traction, treatment or taping of the lower back.

To get the treatment you will be referred to a recommended physiotherapist. When the pain has gone, your doctor will give you some stretching and strengthening activities to minimize the chances of the pain coming back.

Here we discuss the best lower back pain tips to find relief fast:

  1. Eat An Anti-inflammatory Diet

Healthful nutrition is important for various reasons when you have lower back pain. First, eating healthy can help you keep a healthy weight. Swelling is your body’s natural response to protect itself from harm and is a known cause of back pain. Research has recommended that an anti-inflammatory diet can be just as effective at healing back pain as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Foods that fight inflammation include:

  • Green, leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale, collards, and broccoli
  • Fat fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel
  • Healthful, monounsaturated fats, such as avocado, olive oil, and canola oil
  • Brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, for example, beets, sweet potatoes, carrots, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and tomatoes
  • Seeds, such as chia, sunflower, and pumpkin
  • Nuts, including almonds and walnuts

Make sure to avoid foods that can increase inflammation, such as fast food, processed foods, and foods that are high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates.

  1. Sleep Smarter

We don’t usually think about our spine when we’re resting in bed. But, our sleep posture can help decide whether or not we experience back pain.

The best sleeping posture for lower back pain may be sleeping on your side with your knees drawn up close to your chest. Putting a pillow or two between your legs, while sleeping on your side, serves to decrease pressure on your lower back. Sleeping on a too-soft mattress can also create lower back pain. A firmer mattress is the best.

  1. Find Relief Through Ice And Heat

You can use both heats as well as ice to get a release from lower back pain. However, the order is important here. When encountered with a new injury, first you ice it, then use heat.

Cut out that bag of frozen peas for the first 48 hours after the pain sets in, and put it to use for 20 minutes a session, numerous sessions per day. After those 2 days are behind you, switch to 20-minute intervals with a heating pad.

  1. Try Yoga

Yoga can significantly decrease your symptoms of low back pain. A few sufferers can avoid pain medication and surgery altogether. According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, patients with chronic back pain were less likely to take pain medication after participating in 12-week yoga practice, which in this study was similar to the results of patients who participated in physical therapy.

  1. Wear Supportive Shoes

Back pain can be debilitating, especially if it stops you from wandering or driving. It’s no secret that high heels can make back pain, but did you have an idea that other shoes can create back pain as well? Our shoes and how they support our feet can have a huge impact on our bodies. The way our foot walks when we take a step directs how the rest of our body will follow.

If you don’t want to give up your heels, Doctors suggest using flats or sneakers when you’re in transit and keeping your heels at work or taking them in your bag. And, when you can, throw some flats into your daily footwear rotation instead of heels.

6.      Consider Physical Therapy

A physical therapist will teach you stretches to manage your back pain and exercises to improve any imbalances that might have brought on pain in the first place. Depending on the reasons and hardness of your back pain, your PT may also employ other low back pain treatment methods, for example, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and active release therapy.

Once you have gone through lower back pain treatment, don’t forget to treat your back right. When the problem is fixed, do exactly what your doctors tell you to do. If they suggest you take proper rest until you recover properly, you had better do it.

  1. Do Gentle Stretches

Gentle stretches, walking, and regularly standing up at your desk can assist maintain your spine and prevent muscle imbalances. And despite how tough it is to imagine doing a downward-facing dog with a bad back, yoga can work in your favor, as well.

  1. Stop Smoking

Surprised? Smoking cigarettes can lead to increased back pain based on multiple different levels. It inhibits blood flow and stops tissue throughout the body from getting oxygen and nutrients, which can create the spine and back muscles to weaken. The result: chronic back pain.

So, are you ready to quit smoking? If so, talk to your doctor about tools to quit, such as prescription medications or nicotine gum or patches.

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